Discover stem cell-based treatment for vulvar lichen sclerosus vulvae

✓ Combat symptoms

✓ Regenerate your intimate area

✓ Earn wellness

✓ Recover your social life

✓ Resume your intimate relationships.

Discover the treatment for vulvar lichen sclerosus with stem cells
Do you have Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus?<br />
In our clinic you will feel accompanied and understood.

We know what you are going through.

We see on a daily basis stories of resignation in every woman with a condition in the intimate area.

Stories that affect personal, family, social, sexual and work life.

We understand that having vulvarlichen sclerosus sclerosus or scleroatrophiclichen, or other vulvar lichen, changes your daily life, because of the pain, as well as your nights, because of the tingling and itching that keeps you awake at night.

It is a silent disease because you find it hard to share it and you feel misunderstood with every outbreak.

What if we told you that our clinic is the place where you will feel accompanied?

How do we treat vulvar lichen?

We have clinically tested and patented a novel and effective therapy to reduce symptoms and control disease progression. decrease symptomatology and control disease progression.

We have named this therapy Lichenia® Treatmentfor Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus.

Clinical Liquenia Therapy for Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus by Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla (Plastic Surgeon)

What is Liquenia?

Lichenenia is the treatment for vulvar lichen sclerosus created by the Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvillasurgeon and researcher.

It consists of the application of stem cells derived from your own fat.

In this way, your own body is able to regenerate regenerate the affected intimate affected.


Its effectiveness is such because by increasing stem cells in this area, inflammation is reduced because they have immunoregulatory properties.

The result is that increases the vascularization and thickness of the vulvar mucosa, leading to a decrease in the symptoms of the disease which leads to a decrease in the symptoms of the disease and therefore to an improvement in the quality of life.

So, is there a cure for vulvar lichen sclerosus?

This is a chronic skin disease developed by genetically predisposed women. genetically predisposed women where, in addition, immunological and environmental factors act and cause the lichen to progress.

For the time being, there is no remedy for the time being. However, Science is advancing and the Lichen lichen vulvae treatment is effective. is effective.


Forget itching, burning and erosions

You stop scratching in public and in private and feel comfortable with clothing and intimate apparel.

Eliminates whitish plaque on the vulva

Restore the healthy, supple and moisturized appearance of the labia of the labia majora and labia minora.

You recover your pleasurable relationships

You no longer suffer from discomfort, bleedingatrophy, or lack of lubrication.

You achieve comfort, energy and self-esteem

Pain, misunderstanding and negative emotions disappear.

Liquenia helps you to:

Regulating the disease and living with it better.

➤ Recovering your former daily life

➤ Maintaining joy and positive emotions.

Want to know more?

We have created a complete guide for you to learn about vulvar lichen sclerosus and how to live with it.

Discover who we are

We are a group of women health professionals and committed to women like you to women like you who suffer from vulvar inflammatory disease.

We work since 2004 we put a lot of effort in providing you with an effective, specific, scientific and referential process.

Leading the way is Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, Ph.. She is a plastic surgeon and is specializing in female intimate surgery.

After years of research, she has created the Liquenia® protocol, is the author of the first book in Spanish dedicated to vulvar lichen sclerosus, and continues to research this disease from the Nixarian Foundation.

Female complicity

“When we talk

with each one of you,

We discover new emotions and strengths that push us to keep working steadily to transform lives.

transform lives.

We do research for you.”

Team Dra. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla

Dr. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, surgeon and scientific researcher, in her clinic in Valencia (Spain).